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Yardley Makefield Rookie Rugby Club

YMRRC Covid-19 Safety Protocols

Green Yardley Makefield Rookie Rugby Requirements


The safety of our players and community is our top priority.  We have developed this plan based on guidance from the CDC, state, county & local government officials.


Testing, Tracing & Disclosure Requirements

Players and Coaches should have a COVID-19 Symptom Screen and their temperature taken daily at home before practices/games and should NOT participate if they have COVID-19 symptoms or have a fever of 100.4°F plus. 


A COVID-19 Symptom Screen tests for the following:  fever, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, and altered taste or smell.  The only exception would be a runny nose from allergies, which should improve with usage of allergy medications.


If a player or coach is symptomatic or has a fever of 100.4°F plus, the family should notify their Coach immediately who must in-turn email President Steven Severino, at <[email protected]>.  Team practices/games with remaining players and coaches may continue following disclosure.


If a player or coach is symptomatic or has a fever of 100.4°F, they should NOT participate until after 3 days with no fever AND 10 days since the fever appeared.


If a player or coach is positively diagnosed with COVID-19, the family should notify their Coach immediately who must in-turn email President Steven Severino, at <[email protected]>.  Team practices/games with remaining players and coaches may continue following disclosure.


If a player or coach is positively diagnosed with COVID-19, they should NOT participate until 10 days have passed since a positive test with no symptoms - OR – the individual has no symptoms AND receives two negative COVID-19 test results in a row, at least 24 hours apart.


If a player or coach is exposed to someone else who is positively diagnosed with COVID-19, the family should notify their Coach immediately who must in-turn email President Steven Severino, at <[email protected]>.  The player or coach should NOT participate until 10 days have passed following exposure.  Team practices/games with remaining players and coaches may continue following disclosure.


An example of “exposure” would be <6’ proximity to a person diagnosed with COVID-19 without appropriate face coverings by either individual inside an enclosed space for an extended period of time.  Games and practices would not be considered “exposure” due to the safety precautions in-place.

President Steven Severino will communicate all confirmed cases to the Bucks County Department of Health and will seek any necessary guidance from the Department on a case-by-case basis.


Green Phase Restrictions

COVID-19 safety requires further measures be enforced to assure a safe return to play.  Specifically:

1.     All participants, players, coaches and observers, must continue to maintain 6’ physical distancing whenever possible. 

3.     Activities will be outside.  

4.     Shared equipment is NOT permitted.  

5.     Flags and Balls will be cleaned using alcohol-based disinfectant by coaches after each practice/game.

6.     Coaches shall wear face coverings whenever applicable and possible per Bucks County Department of Health.

7.  Players should wear face coverings when in close contact areas and in places where recommended social distancing is challenging.  Players will be permitted but not required to wear a face covering on the field.

8. Observers should wear face coverings when unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet from individuals who are not members of their household per PA Dept of Health.

9.  No touch rule – players should refrain from high fives, handshakes, and other physical contact.

13.  Alcohol-based hand rub will be applied to the hands of all players before after and as necessary during practice.

14.  Spitting, eating seeds, chewing gum, and similar products will be banned from the field of play.



Violations of these rules will result in disciplinary action up to and including being prohibited from practicing or playing games for the entire season or beyond based on the seriousness of the infraction.

We are taking these safety precautions very seriously.  Violations should be reported directly to President, Steven Severino <[email protected]>