Website Manager

Yardley Makefield Rookie Rugby Club

News Detail


May, 2021

Register for our Summer 2021 Season Today!

YMRRC Summer Registration

YMRRC families,

We look forward to seeing you soon! We have just opened registration for our summer tournament season, comprising 4-6 flag rugby round-robin tournaments on Sundays in June and July. And later this summer we'll open registration for our Fall Sunday sessions at Edgewood School fields in September/October (anyone who plays in the summer will receive a discount off regular fall registration fees).

Our summer practices will kick off in early June, and the summer tournaments are open to flag rugby players entering 2nd through 7th grade in September 2021. We also welcome new volunteers and sponsors - if you're interested reply to this email or drop us a line at [email protected]
Please spread the word about our summer and fall seasons to anyone who might be interested - experience is not required! Click the link above to register and please reach out with any questions you might have.
