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Yardley Makefield Rookie Rugby Club

News Detail


Sep, 2018

Kicking off our 2018 Fall season in style

YMRRC families - 

What a beautiful day for rugby yesterday. Thanks again for taking part this year and we hope that your players had fun. We value your feedback as much as your participation - please let us know if you have any questions or concerns ([email protected]). 

A few quick notes:

Thursday Optional Skills Clinic:  This Thursday from 5:30-6:30pm will be our first optional skills clinic for any players wanting a bit more instruction in particular areas of play. We'll be focusing on passing this week. Note that these will be geared toward players in our two older divisions. Same location at Edgewood Elementary School. 

Photos: get any great shots on Sunday? share them with our Facebook page at 

Emails: please let us know if there are any additional emails we should add to our mailing list to ensure you are fully informed about league activities, cancellations because of bad weather, etc. 

Shirts: if you registered only very recently we might not have had a shirt available in your player's size yesterday. We will order those shirts and get them to you asap. 

Speaking of shirts: We'd love it if your players would participate in another "wear your YMRRC shirt to school today" day this coming Thursday, 9/20. It helps to build awareness of our program and, we've kept registration open in case there are any other kids who'd like to join in starting this weekend. 


Yardley Makefield Rookie Rugby Club

Upcoming Key Dates: 

Passing Clinic: Thursday 9/20 5:30-6:30p
Fall rugby schedule: Sundays 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28
Cherry Hill Tourney: 11/3 (save the date - further information to come)